As we lit candles and said our prayers, we were able to offer thanks to me, Mom, for bringing us here, for life for having us all together, and for all those family and friends we are missing and can't wait to see and share Hanukah with next year. And to Herschel who is keeping the goblins away from us here as well!
And what is end of Nov without a proper Thanksgiving?? Thanks to efforts by Spokane friend Dawn Picken who has organized an American Thanksgiving here tomorrow night, while you are all feasting on your turkeys, we will enjoy turkey and the works picnic style outside if the rain holds off. I gave it my best at homemade pumpkin pies-no such thing as Libby's in the can here! Really hard to fathom!
Looks good, will report on taste later.
And to all of you who care to read about us and our silly adventures and lives abroad here, we wish you the best at this time of year! So much to celebrate, so much to be grateful for-especially all of you, and so much love to share! Thanks for being a part of our lives. They are all much richer and deeper knowing you are there. With much love,
Noah "Man, I am looking so good these days!"
Maggie and Deb "Girls just want to have Fu-u-un!" and Jack "YOLO, pretty cool, eh?"
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