Sunday, May 11, 2014

Just for the record and then some cool stuff

Just for documentation sake, 17 April 2014, let it be known that Jack sustained a concussion (aka dome check!), pretty serious, after being beat up by some other kid while playing soccer with Noah. It was a bad thing at the time, he is totally fine now, and yet bad enough to buy him a night in the Tauranga Hospital for observation.  No CT in the end, but after hours of no short term memory and lots of perserverating about what happened, thought it best to take him in.  He was a bit better by the morning, but still could not figure out why his hair was so much shorter.  (He had gotten it cut early in the day prior to his assault.)
Here we are sharing a bed as there was nothing else for me to sleep on.  And in the AM when he seemed to be feeling a bit better.

And here is the cool stuff.  Turns out where we live is also home to this very cool spray paint artist named Owen Dippie.  I had seen his work for months before I realized who he was and these massive walls of beauty had been actually spray painted.  Finally went to his studio here in the Mount and found a few more portraits that are worth sharing!  He is pretty amazing!!  And I thought spray pain was just for graffiti ;-)

Nelson Mandela

 Lady Di and some rapper I don't know

Albert Einstein

Johnny Cash


And another cute kitten pic, for those who care.  he is a pretty sweet thing!

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